Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Last week of Push Phase

Sooooo, I haven't written in quite awhile, because I've been completely swamped with work and traveling. I was out of town for 12 fo the last 25 days... I have tried to keep up with my workouts as best I can, and I've only actually skipped one of the strength workouts in the Push phase. My cardio, on the other hand, had fallen off quite a bit. I got back into town from an 8 day trip on Monday, and as of Tuesday, I'm back on track with workouts and diet. My diet was a complete bust during the 8 days I was out of town. A lot of it was due to alcohol consumption...

I will finish up the Push phase (the heavy weight phase) this week and will post my results Sunday night. I'm a little nervous since my diet has been bad for the past couple of weeks. Chalean did say that I'd be really hungry this month because of the heavier weights (I'm using my 20 and 25 lb. dumbbells!, and my 50 lb suitcase was much easier to maneuver than usual on my work trips!). We'll see if I can make up for it with super-healthy eating for the next few days;).

I'm REALLY SUPER-EXCITED to start the Lean phase of this program, because I think I've really gotten alot stronger this month (the excess food probably helped;), and I think I will be able to see the definition that I've added after I lose this little layer mush that I've put on.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Chalean Burn Phase Results

                 Before            Burn
Height:         5'5"
Weight:        127     ->     124      = 3 lb loss
Chest:            35     ->        35     = no change (this was a surprise... normally the first place I lose...)
bicep:            10     ->        10     = no change (but I can see more definition in my arms)
waist:            28     ->      27.5    = 1/2 inch loss (my goal is 25 inches)
Belly:            31     ->        30     = 1 inch loss! (measured at belly button)
Hips:             37     ->      36.5    = 1/2 inch loss
Thigh:           21.5   ->        20     = 1 inch total loss (measured at widest part of upper thigh)
Calf:             13.5   ->      13.5    = no change

Overall, I lost 3 pounds and 3 inches total. Im most excited about the inch lost in my tummy. I will provide more detail and burn phase photos later (I'm updating from my phone now).

Burn Phase Before and After photos:

1. Before Front
2. After front
3. Before back
4. After back